Monday, March 14, 2011

Prayer for Natural Disasters

(3 rd piece of owl women of the series of 4)

I have been overwhelmed by the tragedy of tsunami that hit Japan last friday. My heart is very heavy when I think of the loss of loved ones and the simple comfort of having a bed to sleep in and the familiar walls of a house has been taken away with the waves. I cried when I read the news and when I think about it. And feel very helpless at how little I can do. And upset that I'm feeling so powerless.

So I can just pray. and invite God to come in to comfort the people who are affected, and the land which is deeply wounded, and my troubled mind and heart.

There are so many talks about the end of the world. Prophesies. Prediction of the year 2012. And everytime I hear about this I just keep quiet because I don't want to add on to the fear. People talk about how this is God's vengeance and punishment, but I secretly think it is we who are punishing ourselves with the image of a vengeful God. I believe in a loving God, a divine presence who witness our suffering and who wish for us to remember him and come home to him. By asking for his help, by surrendering to him and praying for a miracle.

Life is treating me really good. I have a request to give a talk on art therapy in Clove and Clive and thus also an opportunity to show my art, I have also been supported to facilitate a healing session along with a solo exhibition around May. I feel really loved. I have deep gratitude for all these wonderful miracles that keeps unfold once I decided to live my dream life!
I am deeply aware how lucky I am and seriously hope that things get better & easier for people and that natural disasters could stop happening. I used to get weary of reading newspapers or listening to news because I thought they are messengers of more bad news. I don't want to feed on the fear that media provides, so I read now to get the necessary information and leave the drama out. I wish I could avoid feeling and knowing so much but it is not wise to live in a safety bubble of ignorance and apathy.
As I realized how urgent and desperate circumstances are now, I hope that I could reach out to more people through art therapy and help them get empowered!

Jin wrote this prayer for natural disaster and I decided to share it, in critical times like this we need to lay our burdens on someone's shoulder, and let this someone be God. If you're not comfortable with the word God, you can replace it with Universe or divine love or whichever suits. I love the expression Goddess.

"Beloved Father, Mother, Everything God.

we ask that you enter deep into earth and us,

lift Us Up Dear God

to a level in our minds where healing and understanding is,

send us your angels dear god,

and keep us safe.

where there is suffering dear god,

comfort them,where there is pain,

heal them,

where there is hunger,

may they be fed.

let this prayer bring about deeper, healing,

ultimatelyteach us how to change.

and we know it is never too late,

for there is no time in heaven.

Miracles are instant.

We thank you for the resurrection.

And so it is."

These are difficult times. I really pray for all of you to be well and blessed and immersed in love.
On a much, much happier and brighter and lighter note, Alison who blogs here has asked me to write a guest post while she is holidaying in gorgeous scenic New Zealand. Enjoy!


  1. Hi Eva;
    I agree with everything in your post. Let the healing begin! Beautiful prayer - AMEN!
    Thanks for sharing your heart!
    Big hugs and many blessings

  2. Dear Eva, beautiful post and prayer! I too feel saddened by what's happened in Japan. I love the pics of your new owl paintings!! they look so gorgeous! Congrats on all the wonderful things coming your way. You deserve it! Thank you for the lovely words of support you left on my blog too. Wini :)

  3. dear Eva-I completely feel your pain, loss and devastation at the events in Japan. I, too, have been watching the disaster unfold...all those stories of such deep and profound loss. I can't imagine. I watched footage of the Tsunami and...those hugs ships looked like toy boats. And to hear of the tragic loss of loved is precious and...brief. I love this prayer and say it with you.
    On a lighter note...I ma so very proud of you! That's' absolutely great news...all the rat opportunities that are coming your way:) go for it girl! Oh? And so glad to meet a fellow addicted to books gal:) xxx


Sacred thoughts